Did Manning learn to spy?
THE EDITOR: Please allow me space in your newspaper to comment on a curious event — the visit (apparently) at short notice, of Prime Minister Patrick Manning to Israel. The reasons given by Government officials for the visit, are: to get assistance in dealing with the crime problem and to get advice on the agriculture industry. But the Government has already obtained the assistance of the FBI and Scotland Yard to deal with the crime problem. Are we to understand that the FBI and Scotland Yard have been ineffective? Have their efforts been given enough time to realise an impact?
Concerning agriculture, the Government has shown little interest in this, so it is strange that the Prime Minister would go half way around the world at short notice, to seek advice on agriculture. I believe that the real reason for the visit is different from the ones given by the Government. The real reason for the visit, it is my opinion was for Manning to get, some coaching from Mr Sharon on how to be a good agent for the USA in the Caribbean Basin and Latin America. After all, Israel has been for 60 years, an effective outpost for Britain and the USA in the Middle East, and has succeeded in creating disarray in the Arab camp.
The similarity in the Caribbean-Latin American region is that in recent years, several governments led by Venezuela, have opposed the USA domination of the hemisphere. The Venezuelan government has used its vast oil resources to help, and also influence, other Caribbean countries. What better country could there be, than Trinidad and Tobago, which is next door to Venezuela, for providing a very convenient location for USA military and intelligence personnel to keep a close watch on events in Venezuela, and to provide rapid response in case such is needed.
San Juan
"Did Manning learn to spy?"