Vagrants should be arrested

THE EDITOR: People who use vacant private or public property or active or inactive public causeways for lodging or just to sleep, are trespassing. Those who defecate there and do not clean it up cause nuisances, as would those who litter.

The physical damages that result make them liable in law for the costs — eg, steel gate hinges eroded by urine. In the case of public property the relevant State officials have the duty to prosecute the torts against the State.

They need not wait for a signal from the Prime Minister or some kind of endorsement or wink from their political party or other community. Failure to carry out their duties should mean they can be removed from office, constitutionally, if the Prime Minister does not do it or somehow cannot. Yes, that would mean the Prime Minister could be removed too.

On a similar note — but one where the implications are really far more pressing — doctors, clinics, pharmacists and NGOs who have procured or done abortions must be prosecuted for the crimes.

Concurrently or not, those media and other private entities that have lent themselves to promoting/advertising them or abortion and/or funded the campaigns and activities, are guilty of sedition. The State officials who themselves have procured abortions and/or done them and/or allowed them and/or participated in or allowed the seditions, or facilitated any of these, are guilty of at least two or three capital crimes, not just one; abortion and/or procurement with treason. They and others may be seeking ways through constitutional reform to escape just punishment, as well as to continue in crime, unhindered. Perversion of society is crime against humanity and the mere negligence of public office in stopping it is enough to justify expulsion.




"Vagrants should be arrested"

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