Gulf oil, gas won’t recover until 2006
Oil and natural gas production in the Gulf Coast area probably won’t recover from this year’s hurricanes until next summer, Energy Secretary Sam Bodman has said, urging conservation as cost of heating homes is expected to soar this winter. "The infrastructure of our country took a real blow with Hurricanes Rita and Katrina," Bodman told reporters outside the White House. The Energy Department’s Energy Information Administration recently predicted that households heating primarily with natural gas can expect to spend about 50 percent more this winter. Advocates for the poor have argued that as much as $5.1 billion in federal energy assistance is needed to keep up with the high fuel oil and natural gas prices people will face this winter. Energy legislation enacted earlier this year authorises that much money, but Congress has refused to appropriate it. The Low Income Energy Assistance Programme (LIHEAP) has been funded at about US$2 billion a year for several years. Congress, as part of a spending bill now being crafted, is proposing US$2.2 billion for this fiscal year and an additional US$1 billion in one-time emergency funds. State agencies that regulate electric utilities, the natural gas utility industry and advocates for the poor all in recent weeks have urged the White House and Congress to increase LIHEAP funding to the full US$5.1 billion authorisation. Bodman diplomatically res-ponded to questions about Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez’ decision to ship cheap heating oil to low-income people in New York and Massachusetts. Shipments by Venezuela’s Citgo Petroleum Corp, the nation’s state-owned oil company, are expected to reach tens of thousands families starting next month, and hospitals, homeless shelters and other facilities in needy communities also are in line to get oil. Chavez’s critics call it a political stunt aimed at needling President Bush, a constant target of taunts from the self-styled socialist who assails American-style capitalism. Others say Chavez is likely to win praise from some Americans with a clever approach that bypasses Washington to make his point. "We’re for corporate philanthropy, and if that’s what he (Chavez) chooses to do, we’re certainly not going to argue with him," Bodman said.
"Gulf oil, gas won’t recover until 2006"