You know you have been had when ...

THE EDITOR: You know you have been had when: Government is importing 50,000 tonnes of sugar, one year after shutting down the sugar industry and putting 9,000 people on the breadline.

You know you have been had when: Government is adamant in building a $850 million smelly dome for small island hurricane refugees although every Tom, Dick, Petrosingh and businessman objects to it. You know you have been had when: Government acquires a $40 million blimp instead of purchasing 300 much needed police cars equipped with wireless computers and multi-band two-way radios.

You know you have been had when: Government spends $2billion dollars on CEPEP and URP and not even an Airport Cowshed to show for it.

You know you have been had when: Almost all the leaders of the country’s trade unions and holders of many senior government jobs are small islanders. You know you have been had when: The government minister tells you to drink WASA brown water.

You know you have been had when: The killing of your friend or family is referred to as collateral damage.

You know you have been had when: The person holding you for ransom is the very same alleged police hood (I mean "man") who rescues you.

You know you have been had when: Government wants you to believe that kidnapping is an opposition scheme, but will not point fingers at which party supporters committing the gangland murders.


San Juan


"You know you have been had when …"

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