Primitive attitude at ATMs

The Editor: It is quite apparent that the vast majority of people in this country have no civic pride and lack a sense of tidiness and cleanliness. A prime example of this brand of lawlessness can be seen when you go to use a bank’s ATM, especially on long weekends and at off-site machines.

Abandoned receipts are strewn all over the floor and the room resembles a pig stye, minus the mud. Frequently there are even empty beer bottles and boxes from fast food outlets with dressing and decaying food, smelly and exposed.

This results in a very unhygenic situation. Bins are provided for the receipts but when these are overflowing people thoughtlessly fling the paper with their personal information on the ground.

Is it so hard to keep the receipt and when you get home dispose of it? This attitude is very primitive and I dare say godless and it is so shameful when we are supposed to be aiming for a first world status. People should stop and think that somebody will have to clean up their mess. When the bank staff arrives at work the next day and are met with these scenes of indiscipline, it can be very disconcerting. What example are the adults who engage in this nastiness setting for their children and young people? We Trinis certainly need to take stock of ourselves and get back to basics.

Aasha Jankie



"Primitive attitude at ATMs"

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