Lara should play local cricket, too
THE EDITOR: For some years I have observed that Brian Lara has not been participating in cricket matches at regional level for Trinidad and Tobago and at club level. I wonder whether such a thing would be tolerated in other cricketing nations. I love Brian Lara as a batsman and consider him a batting genius, but I am of the firm opinion that he should participate in national and local cricket, namely: He would be an exemplar and inspiration to our local and Caribbean youth; his presence in local and regional cricket would stimulate greater interest; locals and youngsters will come out to see him; Lara would be in better shape and ready for test cricket (note the long wait to find match form in Australia for the World XI and the West Indies).
I wish to remind Lara that his growth and development to be the World’s greatest batsman are the result of his coaching, playing as a youth and seeing our local “greats” on the field. Lara, I love you as a batsman. It is not too late to come and help our youths, particularly at this time. Trinidad and Tobago and the Caribbean need you now more than ever. It will be a great occasion to see Lara playing alongside his clubmates — really an inspiration also to his opponents and moreso to the cricketing fraternity.
"Lara should play local cricket, too"