Rogue elements in police service

THE EDITOR: I wish through your medium to endorse Mr Garvin Nicholas’ suggestion that the "Crime Talks" between the Government and Opposition which include proposed legislation will not stem the tide of crime unless the rogue elements of the police service are weeded out.

And that someone must be accountable for officers under their charge especially when it is public knowledge that police officers are accidentally shot (that is how it is reported in the electronic and print media) in police stations and in a bus. One officer was the recipient of about five bullets to his body, mind you accidentally shot in a police station.

Even though it may not be as prevalent — we nevertheless hear about guns, and kilos of cocaine and marijuana missing from bags at police stations. It has caused one or two judicial officers to raise their eyebrows in great consternation and wonder if there are human rats in the police service.

Monies have also been reported missing from police stations. Even vehicles have been reported missing from the compound of police stations. What has me bewildered is that no one is held accountable.


Princes Town


"Rogue elements in police service"

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