The joy of being employed
THE EDITOR: It is so joyful when a Government announces that a number of industries are forthcoming that would absorb the unemployment, and many people would be taken off the breadline, and given permanent jobs. This would give the unemployed the hope of success in their coming years, and the thought of improving their way of life for their families and themselves. This would also be good for the Government because it would also help to build the economy of the country. But we have seen in the past that after workers contribute so much to the success of these industries there is the threat of being laid off, and to be on the breadline once again.
I find that the managements should find a way to absorb the workers in some other way in these industries. This could be done by diversifying to some new product that would expand the business, and saving the company thousand of much needed dollars, as a matter of fact they would gain economically by expanding their business assets. It is all well and good to say that their VSEP is to be paid, but after this money is paid these people would still be unemployed, and when the money is finished we would have a further wealth of unemployed people and criminal activities.
I read recently where Carib and Flour Mills would be laying off workers and offering VSEP, but this could be avoided if my humble advice is advocated, and some other products would be put in place to bolster those industrial establishments. The staff must feel happy and assured while feeling secured in their place of employment. The Government must see to it that the country in their command is governed to meet the needs of the people while providing them with all the basic amenities and employment is one of the basic amenities to help to stop crime, and to build the economy of the country while making us a strong and successful nation.
"The joy of being employed"