Crisis in Court
THE EDITOR: The citizens of this country feel they are living in a world that treat criminals with increasing leniency, a danger which does nothing but invite more crime. Criminal lawyers often deal in life and death, it’s a very honourable profession and one which we can all be proud of, however there are some who are a disgrace to the "oath" they have taken. The system of jurisprudence is based on the inalienable right of every citizen having a fair trial. But when the law is made a mockery of, when lawyers spend their time, energy, imagination and skill finding ways to defy the law, to subvert justice, then it is time to do something about it. A trial is a game played with certain rigid rules, where the better player wins dealing with people whose rights are systematically denied, and who had no one to help them with neither money nor the power to fight the establishment. In the end, they are crushed by it. SURESH MARAJ Curepe
"Crisis in Court"