Questions for the EBC
THE EDITOR: President Richards by his stance in the matter of Mr Panday’s call for the rescinding of the appointments of four EBC Commissioners suggests that he might be totally unaware of what transpired in the elections of 2000 and 2001. If he is only partially aware, then he does not have his ears close enough to the ground to hear the rumbling and grumbling of a concerned and troubled sector of TT society waiting to exhale. The EBC Chairman, Dr Masson is saying that he is now looking at the report of the Deyalsingh Commission of Inquiry of four years ago. My party group finds that several questions, vital questions remain unanswered in spite of the inquiry and their relevancy to future elections is quite thought-provoking. 1) Why were thousands of polling cards sent to addresses where no one knew their owners? 2) Does the list of electors still carry the names of persons in areas where they had never lived or maintained any residence(s)? 3) If the records have been returned to their legitimate addresses was this done as a result of physical checks or electronic transfer? 4) If returned electronically alone how did the EBC know which records to transfer? 5) Is there a diskette or file lurking somewhere with these transfers to facilitate a return to the situation which existed in 2000/2001? ANTHONY MORENO Morvant
"Questions for the EBC"