Keep chutney away from Soca Warriors

THE EDITOR: Some insecure members of our community wish to put their stamp on the Soca Warriors name. Allow me to point out why this would make us look idiotic.

It is a small-island characteristic to assume that the world knows as much about us as we know about the world. For example, most of us here believe the world to be in a constant state of gratitude to Trinidad for inventing things like the steelpan.

Relating this to the football issue. We already have a team name that uses a word completely unknown in the wider world; that word is ‘soca.’ Until and unless someone from here makes an effort to explain ‘soca’ to the world’s press, they will simply think we don’t know how to spell ‘soccer.’

To this, some would add the word ‘chutney.’ Now, as far as the wider english-speaking world is concerned, chutney is not a music-form. It’s a spicy sauce you eat with curry.

To sum up: The Trinidad and Tobago Soca Chutney Warriors would communicate a team of poorly educated curry fanatics. Wait, nuh. Dat is we! Go Soca Chutney Warriors!


St James


"Keep chutney away from Soca Warriors"

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