Canadian lessons for Panday
THE EDITOR: The Liberal Party in Canada under former Prime Minister Paul Martin on Monday 23/1/06 predictably lost the Canadian Federal Election to the Conservatives, under new Prime Minister Stephen Harper. Predictably because of serious charges of corruption and other issues of government ethics, of the Liberal Party under Mr Martin’s watch. During the Election Campaign, the Liberals viewed Mr Martin as such a liability to their chances of retaining power, that many Liberal candidates kept Mr Martin in the background. The following was taken off the Net from the Toronto Star, Saturday 21/1/06 under the heading: Signs everywhere signs, but where’s Martin’s name? "Paul Martin’s name has just about vanished from Liberal Election signs. Once his party’s most prized asset, the Prime Minister appears to be a liability to Liberal candidates scrambling to save their seats on Monday. "Some liberal candidates even avoid uttering the words Paul Martin." The UNC party should learn from this lesson specially in light of the fact that Mr Basdeo Panday has signalled his intention to further aggravate the UNC’s image by using the public meetings to fight his own battles. AVINASH SINGH Couva
"Canadian lessons for Panday"