The devil is tricking you

THE EDITOR: I will like you to kindly allow me to publish this letter in your No one newspaper so that these murderers, drug pushers and kidnappers know that the devil is tricking them and that they are the ones who will be losers if they don’t make a drastic change now.

You are so blind that you can’t see how the devil is tricking you, you harden your heart, you are swell-headed, your feet are swift to run to kill and shed innocent blood. Drugs are licking up the whole world, not only in Trinidad and Tobago but the whole world. Open your eyes and see that the devil is tricking you, you kill people and bury them in shallow graves, you kidnap people and kill them, you thief and rob people for a simple ring or chain.

Sometimes, these things are not even real gold they are just dipped in gold and are fake, yet you kill people for fake things, for not everything that glitters is gold. Yes you! Ras Shorty I said to watch out my children and it’s all that he sang about that fella called Lucifer with a bag of white powder for he don’t want to powder your face, but to bring shame and disgrace to the human race.

Watch out, watch out for the devil is out to destroy you. Never forget that it has a God and God Almighty is watching you and everything you do is being recorded. Lay down your arms now before it’s too late, for too late shall be the cry!

Resist the devil and he shall flee from you.




"The devil is tricking you"

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