The crucifixion of Dookeran
THE EDITOR: Since becoming political leader, they are really trying hard to crucify Mr Winston Dookeran. Thrice he has been denied. Firstly, Mr Basdeo Panday selected him to be his successor, then by his actions Mr Panday denies him. Secondly, Mr Jack Warner endorsed Mr Dookeran as a true leader for all people of Trinidad and Tobago. He too now denies him. DARYL GOSINE Curepe
Thirdly, the UNC executive members know in their hearts that Mr Dookeran is the only leader to take UNC into government, but because they are so afraid of Mr Panday, they too deny him. As for Judas, the great betrayer, well that’s a story for another time. Early happy Easter to all.
"The crucifixion of Dookeran"