Cross celebrates

In April 1993, Ulric and other concerned citizens, established the Cotton Tree Foundation. The Foundation is a registered non-profit charity which works with some of the most deprived communities in St Ann’s, Port-of-Spain.

The foundation’s aim is to combat high levels of poverty and unemployment through counselling, self help, education and training projects.

Cross’s tireless work as chairman of the Cotton Tree’s fund-raising committee has been critical in ensuring the work of the foundation continues.

Cross’s birthday was honoured by the launch of the Ulric Cross Cotton Tree Endowment Fund yesterday, which will enable the expansion of Cotton Tree’s work.

The fund will expand the work of the Foundation to include a Legal Aid Clinic, Community Sports Programme and an art and music programme. In addition, the existing Early Childhood and Education Centre, annual family camp, computer literacy programme and scholarship fund will be able to grow.

Cross’s pioneering work will be continued in finding scholarships for those unable to afford education and further his long-held desire to raise the level of education available to all in Trinidad and Tobago.

Donations may be made at anytime to The Ulric Cross Cotton Tree Endowment Fund.

For more information contact 623-5120.


"Cross celebrates"

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