Max: Preserve independence of mind

He added, “nor is courage bravado, particularly when it signals intimidation, from whatever quarter and in whatever manner”.

“The freedom for which the ancestors fought went beyond an official declaration, made at a time when it was no longer convenient to be a slave owner. We should not take lightly the courage with which they faced the early days of emancipation and continuing, as they, women side by side with men, laid foundations on which our independence would eventually be built. Out of respect for what they have done, we have a duty to preserve independence of mind and guard the freedom which we have gained, over time, pre and post independence, including those of our institutions,” Richards said.

He added that the citizens of TT need to “take the best and most appropriate steps forward, as we grow as an independent nation”.

“Let us on this Emancipation Day 2010, a celebration for all of us who hold TT dear, resolve to consider, more carefully, the freedom that were bought with a great price and to position ourselves, particularly our youth, to guard them resolutely, in the secure knowledge that each one of us has a contribution to make to our country’s development. Let no one tell us otherwise,” he said.


"Max: Preserve independence of mind"

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