FFOS wish list for 2015

1. That the Government recognises the serious negative impacts of the December 2013 to January 2014 multiple oil spills on the approximately 2,000 FFOS fisher families throughout the Gulf of Paria, and respond to our request for meetings to discuss fishery compensation for the affected families and communities.

2. That with mounting evidence worldwide, the Environmental Management Authority (EMA) upholds the precautionary principle and requires detailed environmental impact assessments for all marine seismic surveys (bombing).

3. That the Government makes public all directives given to the happy consultant who is secretly redrafting the EMA Act.

4. That the Green Fund recipients be made public so the country can see exactly who are benefiting and what they are doing.

5. That the Government develops emergency response legislation to include training and the mandatory provision of facilities in the likely event of a natural gas fireball disaster. This should include, but not be limited to emergency evacuation training and procedures in Point Fortin where the cross-country gas transmission pipelines converge; lodging for the evacuees; fire burn units; 24/7 nearby medical facilities; adequate hazardous materials (hazmat) firefighting units; legislation to command medical personnel (on J’ouvert morning and all public holidays) to develop a coordination plan for private as well as public facilities and equipment etc.

6. That the Government stops the dangerous secrecy and make public all known and documented maintenance schedules, endangerment risks and warnings relating to Petrotrin’s aging and dilapidated transmission pipelines and facilities.

7. That the criminal charges brought against two FFOS supporters and it’s corporate secretary for assembling with two or more persons without notifying or obtaining the approval of the Commissioner of Police, and for not dispersing while singing the national anthem be summarily dismissed as a waste of the court’s time, as an attempt to discriminate against public-spirited movements, and because the law was intended to control the assembly and movement of slaves, of which we are not (antiquated law).

8. That FFOS judicial actions continue to protect our vulnerable, create legal precedents to ensure good public administration for all and ultimately benefit the Commonwealth. (FFOS is currently before the High Court on one matter and before the Appeal Court on another.)

9. That our Prime Minister remembers her supporters and immediately begins the mediation of the concerns raised by the Highway Re-route Movement.


Corporate Secretary, FFOS


"FFOS wish list for 2015"

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