Govt must institute a Revised Pension Plan

THE EDITOR: The time has long passed for the government to institute a “Revised Pension Plan.” There are many government pensioners over 80 years of age, who are still alive, and are the recipients of under $1500 per month. It is a shame and disgrace to see how these givers of lifetime government service carry on their daily lives. They actually eke out an existence, while their present counterparts enjoy the fruits of their labour. Many of these people opt not to vote because they hurt, as they are bundled in the same class as everyone else. Their bills are the same, they eat the same food, drink the same water, use the same electricity, telephone (landline) etc. Cable, cellphones, computers, internet services are a no/no for retirees. They depend heavily on their children for handouts and all facilities offered to senior citizens. As a rule, every year they await the dreaded budget to see if they are considered for a pittance.

Sir, the time has come for the government to consider the following:
1) That all pensions be adjusted to include the percentage rise in salaries of their respective Ministries, beginning from the year of their date of retirement. It has to be remembered that retirees live on the average about 12 years after retirement. Their health deteriorates very quickly, and they need care, attention and medical treatment. This should be a solemn right afforded to them by any caring Government. They should be nourished and revered.

2) A special identification card should be issued to all retirees to receive free medical care (private and public), free travelling, a reduction in bills for public utilities, and possibly basic food requirements. This may seem extravagant, holistically, but a few of these are already on train, but the movement is definitely too low. The cost to government should be minimal, as this investment (taken from our Health Surcharge) will be worth the while, as votes will be forthcoming. One always has to remember the 33-3 scenario.

3) Reduce the retirement age to 55, and complement this with a programme to incorporate retirees back into the system, on a contract basis, so as to harness the necessary skills and experience. Old is Gold. 4) Old age pension should be a basic right. As it is today, the government is discriminating between government pensioners, and old age pensioners. As public servants, generous contributions have been made, over the years, in the form of taxes, NIS, Health Surcharge, road tax, VAT and even Widows and Orphan fund. So, it is only fair that remuneration should be forthcoming.



"Govt must institute a Revised Pension Plan"

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