TT ruled by insanity
THE EDITOR: The collective insanity that has taken over the country was again highlighted following the bomb episode and the now famous hurricane evacuation blunder. In the matter of kidnappings and the bombing incident I think we would be better off with the “keystone cops” as our Commissioner has taken the cue from our PM and must arrive in style . . . he might start wearing a cape for effect next time around. Martin Joseph, again proved he is a wind-up toy and as such does not have or is capable of an original thought. I waited for his address and as usual he did not disappoint . . . in that he gave no information.
Also, there was a story on the committee to look into rising food prices. I would like to immediately point the committee to the horrid experiences that are Customs and Excise and the Port. There the importers are destined to time and time again face the dragons of delay, inefficiency and ineptitude which ultimately lead to additional costs of rent, demurrage, overtime charges and the other unofficial charges that are demanded. All of these charges are passed on to the consumer. The Comptroller has said he is aware there are slackers in Customs. The Port says there are thieves at the port and the SWWTU say they know there is corruption at Customs and the Port.
However, no one seems to have the capability or inclination to do anything. To date the Chamber, the TTMA nor DOMA seem too flustered. Maybe they, like the media houses have been whipped into a kind of docile submission. And yet, I guess that if in a country with a $30 billion budget, the Government can sanction the building of community outhouses in the housing settlement in Ste Madeline, it says a lot of what the leaders think of the common people. While they jet-off to boast how rich we are, and sup on caviar and fine champagne, the morons at home surely will be expounding on how great their leaders are, and thinking the brown stuff falling on our heads must be chocolate syrup.
San Fernando
"TT ruled by insanity"