TT going downward heading into 2020

THE EDITOR: There is a lot of talk of 20/20 Vision, but could that become a reality when a simple fire some time ago escalated into an inferno and almost burned down the whole of Port-of-Spain? This country has degenerated into many dismal spheres, and something must be done quickly to take us back up the ladder to success if we are to attain that 20/20 Vision which would lead us to a successful nation. It was sad to see that the fire officers complained of the lack of water in the fire hydrants, and the faulty equipment making their job even harder in controlling the fire.

How are we going to host the FTAA if we cannot contain a simple fire in the city? The authorities have to become more serious in handling the more important affairs in this country. We are facing many problems in this country with murders and kidnappings, and a greater effort must be made with this serious setback in attaining nationhood in the year 20/20. Murderers who are found guilty of murder in the first degree should he hanged to show how serious the authorities are in maintaining discipline in this country. Imagine in spite of the crimes in this country even certain school children have joined in the insanity that is destined to destroy these children and the country as a whole. A few years ago the first Prime Minister, Dr Eric Williams, said that the future of Trinidad is in the school bags of the school children, but little did he know that instead of school books there are weapons in the school bags.

Something must be done soon to stop this serious threat in this social department or it will eventually destroy the school system that seems to be in shambles with the lack of discipline by the relevant authorities. Our nation is under serious threat with these criminal elements, and the people in charge must do everything in their power to bring this country back to stability by hanging the first degree murderers, and showing the would-be murderers that their criminality would be dealt with seriously. A bomb that exploded in Port-of-Spain injuring 14 people has further aggravated this serious social problem that could disrupt the 20/20 Vision if more stringent efforts are not made to arrest this present situation or we would fail in this 20/20 Vision.



"TT going downward heading into 2020"

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