Winston Dookeran — leader of what?
THE EDITOR: Many people criticise our constitution for giving the Prime Minister too much power. And in the next breath, they blame our colonial legacy for our constitution. In effect, Trinis blame everything but themselves for the chaos in our country. In my view, we are really a spineless lot of self-seekers, with little motive for nation-building, and abundance of old talk. While our constitution does indeed bestow great authority on the Prime Minister, the PM is accountable to us, and the same constitution gives our elected representatives, the power to remove him. It is because elected political sycophants are bought and sold like salt-fish, that leaders in Government and Opposition alike ride roughshod over the peoples’ wishes. When Margaret Thatcher lost favour with her party, and Michael Heseltine merely announced his challenge for the leadership, she promptly decided to step down. Maggie knew that she held office at the pleasure of her conservative MPs, but in TT, the roles are reversed, many MPs holding office at the pleasure of the PM. When Keith Rowley challenged Manning for the PNM leadership, many PNM supporters branded him a traitor, and he required police protection at PNM headquarters. Many of us view Mr Panday as a liability to the UNC, and the current convulsions within the UNC tell a similar tale. Party leadership of the UNC is nothing but a sham, if it does not mean leadership in Parliament. And the UNC’s chairmanship in Panday’s hands, reduces the political leadership of the UNC to a farce. Winston Dookeran does not possess the charisma, or the guile, of Basdeo Panday. No one else does. But Dookeran offers an image of honesty and intellect, and hope, which Panday cannot provide today. Those on Panday’s slate have stepped aside to give him free reign in the UNC, confirming the notion held by man, that the UNC is Panday, and Panday is the UNC. More enlightened citizens yearn for a new beginning, in both the UNC and the PNM, as the Cadres poll reveals. Panday has collected too much baggage in his 40 years of struggle, and with charges pending against him. TT will not see the UNC under Panday as an alternative. Manning’s prime ambition on the other hand, is to occupy the Red House, and behind the galvanised paling surrounding the south of the Red House, workmen are quietly and feverishly preparing for his ceremonious entrance. Never mind the three bombings in Port-of-Spain, or the flooding in Woodbrook and downtwon Port-of-Spain after a ten minute downpour; he is building towers aplenty as testimony to his governance, and to rise above the floods. He promised us a reduction in crime when he decapitated the regiment to appoint Brigadier Peter Joseph his super crime fighter. But the protective services on the ground are floundering with little leadership and less results, while the Brigadier and Joseph display a propensity for gadgets, reminding us that toys are for big boys. Instead of radar speed traps to control speeding on our roads, it takes six police officers to mount a speed trap to catch just 16 lawbreakers on the ground, but we spend several millions for a blimp in the sky. Instead of TV cameras scanning and recording 24 hours a day, technology at least 20 years old, a million dollar "eye in the sky" is mostly unused because it’s simply a stupid idea, and the policeman on duty will fall asleep, after feting all night. I am yet to check if it is air-conditioned. Such grandiose gadgetry is only possible because National Security is exempt from public tendering . . . so kidnapping, road carnage,and widespread crime, meanwhile, continue unabated. TT is desperate for change, in both Government, and Opposition. Manning has long been given up as hopeless, but whether as Opposition or Government, the UNC under Dookeran gives us hope. MICHAEL J WILLIAMS Maracas Valley
"Winston Dookeran — leader of what?"