Good contacts, better than education?
THE EDITOR: Please permit me a space in your newspapers to express my views on the employment crisis in this country. Why is the world so unfair? We citizens of Trinidad and Tobago have to put our foot down and put an end to this nonsense. We cannot just sit and watch our people be deprived. I have seen our Government doing their very best to improve our nation ie educationally. I have seen them implement book grants, build more schools and even opened a new University, that’s only to name a few, and I as a citizen of this country I can never be more thankful and grateful. But at times I am forced to wonder, what’s the use? I am a successful candidate of CXC and I’ve also attained certificates in Accounting and even with these qualifications when I apply for a job, all I receive is a letter saying no vacancy. Having no vacancy isn’t a problem to me, I totally understand. The problem is, why is it that I have seen under qualified individuals; when I use this term I mean people I know who weren’t even half successful at exams, being granted employment at prestigious firms and Government agencies. After observations, it then occurred to me that this employment thing is all about "who you know, and who knows you’. Because is uncle de Manager hiring de niece, aunty de Senior HRO hiring de nephew and (mammy of Trinidad and Tobago, this is injustice). "What you reap is what you sow," whatever happened to that saying. You know what? If ah did know bout dis system ah would ah never try so hard to educate myself when all I had to do, was have my mom phone her Mr Manager or CEO friend and get me an interview." Did it ever occur to you people that this can be a major cause of corruption? Because you are putting people in places who knows not what they are doing and yet they are still holding positions. Is the workplace a family reunion now? H MUHAMMAD Bon Accord Tobago
"Good contacts, better than education?"