SAUTT not connected to Ministry of the AG

THE EDITOR: Permit me to correct some inaccuracies appearing in the editorial headlined "Too much power for Government" appearing in your newspaper dated Wednesday September 12, 2005.

The editorial quotes from an address delivered by the Honourable Attorney General at the Commonwealth Law Ministers meeting held in London last week.

It is not true to assert, as is stated in the editorial, that the AG "made clear his desire to have a sub-organisation within his office whose decisions would not be subject to judicial review."

In fact, the Central Authority, to which the Honourable AG referred, already exists as a unit of the Ministry of the Attorney General and was created by the passage of the Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters Act (Act No 39 of 1997) under the previous administration.

A key feature of the Act was the creation of a Central Authority, designated for the purpose of transmitting and receiving requests for mutual legal assistance in the prosecution of criminals. In these matters speed is all important if investigations are to bear fruit. Many countries have such systems.

The Central Authority reviews all requests and is the decision maker as to whether such requests would be acceded to, denied or referred back for further information.

Its existence was also disclosed in the Ministry of the Attorney General’s Freedom of Information Act declaration which appeared in the Newsday of Monday May 19 2005.

The editorial also asserts that "it is not even clear that the AG’s office adheres strictly to the rule of law in all matters" and went on to question the Special Anti-Crime Unit falling under the AG’s aegis.

The Special Anti-Crime Unit has no connection to the Ministry of the Attorney General and is an arm of the Ministry of National Security. Again a check with the Ministry of the Attorney General’s Freedom of Information declaration would bear this out.


Advisor Policy and Media Research, Ministry of the

Attorney General


"SAUTT not connected to Ministry of the AG"

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