Departure Tax procedure lagging behind
THE EDITOR: Recent-ly, I was about to board American Airlines Flight 1668 at our leaking, and inefficiently maintained Piarco International Airport to Miami.
This was not the only departing international flight that afternoon, (by the way, the restrooms at our airport, the FTAA potential headquarters are in deplorable and unsanitary condition), I noticed one broken face sink with a hole, and water soaked counter tops.
There was only one Departure Tax cashier on duty although there are about four booths to expedite our primitive system of collecting Departure Tax.
In this day and age, why should nationals, and visitors have to line up and waste time in long lines to pay departure tax? Any government with a vision would process Departure Tax through airlines when international tickets are purchased, and strange enough, this also indicates the mindset of any government in power, not just in Trinidad but anywhere, worldwide.
"Departure Tax procedure lagging behind"