THE EDITOR: In an earlier letter I suggested that it was time for the TT Government to institute drug testing for the Armed Forces (Police Service, Army, Coast Guard) of the country and for all these special units that run about trying to solve crime.

I believe that with the latest indictment of corruption within the police service with the "human rats" eating almost 71 lbs of cocaine (plastic bags and all) from an evidence room at the Princes Town Police Station, it is indeed time to introduce this drug testing.

I believe it would help weed out many of the druggies and other corrupt officers who use the "cover" of their badges to perpetrate crimes on the citizenry. While hiding behind their official position as lawmen, some of them may be making themselves rich too (re-selling these dangerous drugs), while others may be framing innocent people with these drugs to make cases. If the Government is truly serious about addressing the problem of errant officers in the force, perceived or otherwise, they would enact legislation to make this drug testing of officers a requirement.

Drug testing should be mandatory for all new recruits to qualify for entry into the armed services. It should also be conducted randomly approximately once every year or two, throughout a person’s career to ensure them "staying on the straight and narrow road" and the right side of the law. Provisions should also be in the legislation to immediately remove these officers from duty, once they are identified, with eventual dismal from the service. If not, all the FBI and Scotland Yard (MI-5) help will be for naught.

You will find these agencies being frustrated in their efforts to help TT and they will go back home in disgust, with our money in their pockets and we having nothing to show for it, but higher crime statics and more dead to bury and mourn. Again, if the Opposition help is needed to make this change in the law possible, this is their chance to set up to the plate and show their supporters and the rest of the nation that they are part of the solution to the crime menace, not just "old talkers" and "blowhards."

The Police Service union and other representative bodies should also be happy to have their members drug tested to ensure that they are all "clean." Again remember, if you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.

Which side of this divide do you want to find yourself? So, the Government has the first move to research, write and present this legislation , after appropriate citizenry consultation. It has worked in other countries, I believe it can work here too, it we want it to. Now let’s see what happens next.


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