A Nation of Sheep
THE EDITOR: From my early childhood, I was taught to respect everyone, regardless of his or her status. It was also impressed upon me, the importance of looking up to those in authority, living an upright and honest life, getting the best education possible, being productive, obeying the laws of the land, fearing God, and keeping away from bad company. The rewards of comfort, stability and peace of mind would follow.
Today the paradigm has shifted, where moral, spiritual and social values no longer exist with the so-called exemplars in our society. The youth of today are guided or misguided by television and the examples set by our leaders while the honest citizens live in constant fear.
A case in point: I accepted an invitation to be godfather to an infant from a depressed area, and rose to the challenge of supporting him materially, while trying to ensure that he got a quality education.
To my consternation, at age 12, he joined a well-known Muslim organisation. In attempting to find a logical explanation, I approached his mother, a single parent of six. Her response was that he was now an independent adult. She added that the organisation’s leader was her son’s hero.
It was his aspiration to acquire the respect, fear and wealth that his hero enjoyed. It is the politicians who have the country in this abysmal state of near anarchy. We have had the two main political parties in power. One is a classless gang, lacking in scruples or integrity. The other party is a motley bunch of incompetents and the majority one suspects, of below average intelligence.
Corruption and nepotism are the hallmarks of both political parties. From whom can our youth seek guidance? The Prime Minister? The Leader of the Opposition? Any politician? No small wonder that the Afro-Trini youths are in a dilemma, choosing inappropriate heroes to emulate. But who can blame them, when successive PMs have themselves fraternised with those ungodly criminals. The paradigm must change and it is we, the people who have the power to effect this change. The onus is on us to save our country.
If we are dissatisfied with our Government’s performance, let us follow the example of the Keith Noel Group, by collecting signatures from the various constituents whose representatives have failed.
We must demand a recall and even send up our own representatives. If that fails, we must protest vehemently and continually until we get favourable results. We cannot continue to be a nation of sheep.
We the people on the other hand, have to be more tolerant of each other’s race and end the divisiveness which has been fostered by our leaders. Shouldn’t we regard ourselves as Trinbagonians above all else? Our focus should be on redirecting our youth to once again embrace religion and have as their idols, honest and decent exemplars.
Diego Martin
"A Nation of Sheep"