Cowards carry guns
THE EDITOR: Many great men gave their lives for the safety and freedom of mankind and a few cowards are now ruining their achievements... Mohandas Gandi took on the might of the British Empire and won independence for India. Martin Luther King Jnr, took on the USA and got equality for the black people.
William Willberforce spent 45 years campaigning for the abolishment of slavery. Eric Williams, our late Prime Minister won independence for Trinidad and Tobago. He would turn in his grave to see what is happening to it now. The indiscipline, the murders and lies, the total moral decline of our nation. It takes a coward to carry a gun and kill someone. It takes a great man to achieve change with words (peaceful negotiation).
Let’s change things, let’s have a day of peace campaign by parents for justice, for the truth about who murdered their children. We need someone with courage to stand tall and change things. I am prepared to take up this mantle. My grandfather always said, "Honesty is the best policy. Lying is a sign of weakness."
"Cowards carry guns"