Nervous when it rains

THE EDITOR: Every time rain falls, I am a nervous wreck, worrying how heavy it will be. That is because of the UDeCOTT development in Edinburgh 500 Boulevard.

On Wednesday July 13, 2005 and Monday September 19, 2005, the heavy rainfall proved to be a nightmare for the residents of La Clave Street and the Boulevard.

The UDeCOTT engineers found a canal with a water catch that had an opening for the water to flow into. In order to do the required work, they had to demolish the catch. They then replaced it with a closed water catch with an outlet in the little canal, which measured 22 inches in length by seven inches in dept. This is now the outlet which the water must channel itself to pass through. That is madness. Not even an ordinary worker with strong common sense would do such a thing.

As a result of all this, the water rises and enters into the houses damaging household items. Who will be compensating the affected residents for this?

The houses were given out by the National Housing Authority in the year 1986 and from then to the 12 July, 2005, nothing like that or even similar to that had ever happened within this area.

Now, when the rain falls, the streets are flooded with water and when the rain cease, only 15 minutes later the water would run off. I really cannot take that torture; the rainy season is already here. Please do something.




"Nervous when it rains"

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