Keep on talking Nakhid

THE EDITOR: During the 1960 Federal exercise, we all know that Jamaica actually broke up the Federation, so one expects that their present behaviour is in line with their thinking. Or, probably, they may be thinking in terms of tourist dollars. The two UK based footballers who have offered their services to the present TT squad, is definitely a No-No.

Even the thought is obscene. It gives me the impression that they think we are a fourth world country, still swinging on vines. In the case of Nakhid, if he accepts his new portfolio, as a talent scout, how can that affect our chances against Bahrain, in two weeks. The man has been fired, so what do you want him to do, if he is offered a lucrative contract, as a talent scout.

To my mind, Nakhid has been used and abused over the years, simply because his mind cannot be controlled. Freedom of expression is a basic right in TT, and nobody who is power hungry, must be able to control one’s thoughts and words.

The Principles of Fairness has suddenly transformed the word "Syrian" to be considered as sacred, and the power brokers are supporting this move. These issues should serve as a sort of spiritual awakening for the common man, who is eager to receive guidance on these crucial themes, topics or problems of human life on this planet, in these troubled times. Nakhid is a born realist, who, at his own behest will not be kept down.




"Keep on talking Nakhid"

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