Drunk man at Ramleela

THE EDITOR: The few weeks leading up to Divali are very important for us Hindus as we go out in large numbers to witness Ramleela throughout our various villages.

For the benefit of those of different religions, Hindus believe in one God who, whenever righteousness is on the decline, will incarnate on earth to reestablish divine order. Ramleela is the enactment of the life story of Shri Ram, one avatar of our Divine Master. Whilst Ramleela is supposed to be treated with the highest respect. On the night of Thursday October 13, at Esmeralda Road, one drunken man seemed to pass it off as a nightly liming spot. This person in question was openly drinking on the compound and in total disrespect of the Holy Ground which he was on, made loud, annoying comments throughout the course of the evening.

Bear in mind, that in the Holy Bhagvad Gita, the Lord describes the consumption of alcohol as sinful. Worst of all, this same person heckled one of the performers who was portraying Lord Shiva, one of the most powerful deities of Hindus.

What was most shocking, I am ashamed to say, is that 20 or so spectators around this gentleman were laughing and seemingly enjoying the antics of this man more than the Ramleela.

Would these same spectators allow this man to come into a temple during religious services and let him drink, carry on in a loud manner and then ridicule Lord Shiva? My father decided to call the police and shockingly, no one answered at 999. As if the Lord was witnessing what transpired, we saw a police jeep on the road immediately after we called the Cunupia Police Post.

These officers were most likely not from the Cunupia Station, but when they were informed of the happenings, they swiftly and firmly removed the drunken man from the compound saying that he had no right to be at this religious event.

My highest compliments to these officers. Afterwards, my family and I personally went into the Cunupia Police Station and spoke to an officer who was very understanding and in agreement with our stance on the issue.

He related that their station had only one vehicle which had to attend to numerous reports of crime that night.

Whilst I was appalled that this station had only one vehicle at its disposal, I would like to thank the officer who attended to us for his understanding. In closing, I would also like to compliment the performers of Esmeralda Road’s Ramleela for their outstanding performances. Please keep it up.




"Drunk man at Ramleela"

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