TT leaders in breach of their oath
THE EDITOR: When the Government introduced the Police Bill last year the main problem as seen by the Opposition and others was that the proposed laws could indeed be used to create a Mongoose/Papa Doc type police gang to do the dirty deeds of the party in power. This would be achieved since the ultimate removals, appointments and dismissal of the Commissioner would lie in the hands of the PM. But, if we were to examine the situation in the country right now, it appears that presently there exists such a group/groups. If we are to read into the wanton crime and the perpetrators then indeed the government has already sown seeds of such groups that are already achieving this. One of these groups even stated two weeks ago that they will utilise their considerable resources and find the mysterious bomber. To date, not a word has been heard from the powers that be as to this public statement and conflict it will have on the powers of the State and possible illegality. Such silence can be interpreted as either agreement or fear. Which one is it, Gentlemen? If it is by agreement, then we have no need for a make-over police force as proposed by the Police Bills. If it is fear, then, I say that the swearing in oath of these gentlemen specifies that they will do their duty without "fear or favor." Hence they are in breach of their oath of office and should all resign henceforth. The world is full of examples when leaders are forced to take action against "popular" criminals. Cocaine corrupt Columbia is one example even though the Drug Lords paid state officials handsomely. In the darkest days of the US, the State applied full force against the Mafia in the 1930s. It is time for our leaders to stand up to these criminals (whether they are businessmen or religious leaders) and end this siege. T DAVIS Port-of-Spain
"TT leaders in breach of their oath"