Great expectations

THE EDITOR: Do we expect Manning to solve crimes, just so?

Do we expect Panday to quit, while he is ahead?

Do we expect the Blimp to fly and spy?

Do we expect old age pensioners and government pensioners to get some oil wealth for Christmas?

Do we expect only Trinis to get some of the new houses?

Do we expect poor people who squat in shacks, to live in mansions with our oil wealth, before Christmas?

Do we expect VAT to go away? Nah! When ya dead you have to pay.

Do we expect food and medicine prices to drop without price control officers?

Do we expect the dustbin bomber who graduated to telephone bomber to quit, just so?

Do we expect foreign police to solve we local crimes before we local police?

Do we expect kidnapping to ever change to adultnapping?

Do we expect tall buildings to fall with quakes?

Do we expect kidnappers to get jail instead of bail?

Do we expect murderers to hang around for long?

Do we expect sick people in mind and body to be cured overnight?

Do we expect one of the best cancer treatment machines, "The Linear Accelerator" to ever come to TT?

Do we expect the government to ban smoking in all malls and any air-conditioned public buildings?

Do we expect people who drink plenty, and drive to get bail?

When do we expect to remove burglar-proof from our doors and windows? In the year 2020?

I think we expect too much. What you expect?




"Great expectations"

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