No Mr Prime Minister, God will vex with you
THE EDITOR: There is so much money in Trinidad and Tobago that you become narrow visioned, wasting the petro dollars revenue, in non-essential structures. Just imagine Mr Manning, the poor, forgotten pensioners who live on credit from the shops in their areas, are not given a little pittance on their pensions. These people who must have medical treatment have to travel to the institution for attention. Can they afford that? $1150 per month, clothes, travelling, medical, rent, food. No Mr Manning, tears are in my eyes writing for these people, the underprivileged. But yet one hears that you and all parliamentarians whose salaries are over $15,000 monthly, expect to get an increase. Is this justice? These poor people irregardless of race, have sacrificed their youth for the country, when things were difficult in those days, they are the ones that should be enjoying a little happiness in their twilight years. Think of this Mr Manning, a budget of some many billion dollars and not a few hundred thousand dollars to help the poor and downtrodden. Do not let them pray on your head, for God listens to the elderly pray. J CALLENDER Santa Cruz
"No Mr Prime Minister, God will vex with you"