The need to hear a Tobagonian voice

THE EDITOR: I write to inquire what criteria do you apply in determining what ‘Letters to the Editor’ are published. Barring concerns in respect of libel, what should someone who wishes to comment on any issue by way of a letter to the editor be mindful?

Does it matter if the writer is a Tobagonian? If not, then why for the most part there are no letters from Tobagonians published? Is it that we do not submit for publishing our opinions? Why? I am aware that culturally the people on both islands of Trinidad and Tobago Republic are different. Your Tobago readership therefore, must of necessity be afforded a vehicle to give expression to their opinions. I shall be much obliged if you include this letter as if the writer’s address was Port-of-Spain. Perception is reality.


Editor’s Note: We regularly publish letters from Tobago readers on a wide variety of issues. We reserve the right not to publish views that may be libellous or offensive. Our only rule is that all letters must bear the name and address of the writer. We do not publish anonymous letters. Neither do we publish letters where the writer reveals his identity to us, but does not want his/her name published.


"The need to hear a Tobagonian voice"

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