Have a heart for Tessa Mr Kidnapper

THE EDITOR: I am a young business woman the same age as Ms Tessa Ramdath Maharaj who was kidnapped on October 18, 2005. My family and I empathise with her and her family. Our hearts ache, we count the days, we weep with her family, sharing their pain and sorrow. You do not need to know her. A daughter, sister, niece, cousin, relative and friend — that’s who she is! A single, independent, hard working, law abiding member of the community and a responsible citizen of Trinidad and Tobago — that’s who she is!

This young lady has been allowed to suffer for far too long. Four weeks is a very long time to be held in captivity, at the mercy of strangers, sharing their space. To be away from her family, her home, her place of work, shut out from the rest of the world, must be sheer torture.

We can only imagine that she is sobbing and begging for her release. We can hear her cries, see her tears every moment of everyday when minutes, hours, days turn into one month and then roll into one big blur. For her, it probably seems like four years instead of four weeks. Despair, fear, anger, frustration, helplessness and sleepless nights must be the order of the day.

Gentlemen, we thank you for providing her with basic facilities and necessities for good personal hygiene. We are sure that you are keeping her safe and warm when the weather is bad and when darkness falls around her.

What about her meals, her change of clothing? Are you thinking about her mental health and physical well being during this ordeal? Spare a thought about the effect of this traumatic experience on this young lady’s life. You certainly know that you are depriving her of her basic human rights. Heartless and wicked men, you are not! Mothers of these abductors, have a heart and do your part. Prayers and tears from a mother’s heart to her sons can work miracles. Remember the Golden Rule: ‘Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.’

Hon Messrs President, Prime Minister and Minister of National Security, let it not be said that kidnappings have been allowed to continue with impunity during your tenure. Have a heart, take drastic measures to put an end to the scourge of kidnapping in our country. Please save many families from the agony of their worst nightmare.

Let’s join our hearts and hand in prayer with this young lady and her family and with other kidnapped victims and their families during their time of crisis.


San Rafael


"Have a heart for Tessa Mr Kidnapper"

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