TT should take 20,000 fans to Germany

The Editor: Passion, Perseverance and Pride came to the fore as the national senior Football Team booked our place at the World Cup 2006 in Germany. Minister Boynes is now the most important member of the political administration.

Under his stewardship appropriate foresight, planning and execution must now match our achievement. While the reality soaks in, I wish to suggest how TT can be represented in June 2006.

At the minimum it is necessary that the widest possible contingent be assembled for the trip. The President, Prime Minister, Leader of the Opposition, Ministers of Education, Foreign Affairs, Sport, Tourism, Culture and Social Development.

The official party should be there to lead our entrance on the world stage and to continue the work of letting the world know that TT is on the way to being a world-class nation. Invitations should be extended to Government and Football Associations of all Caricom members of CONCACAF to show solidarity with TT.

Between five-to-ten steel bands with minimum 50 players should be invited to participate with all costs borne by the Government, The Police Orchestra and Fire Service Music Band should be invited to attend.

Between two-to-five popular performing groups should be invited to participate with all costs borne by the Government

Between five-to-ten carnival bands with minimum 100 players, between five-to-ten Performing Groups minimum of 25 players and appropriate culinary and craft organisation should be invited to participate with all costs borne by the Government A Lottery for 10-20,000 — equivalent to the capacity of the national stadium — fans should be provided with free air transportation to Germany. Qualifications for the lottery should be carefully considered — at a minimum the ability to pay for accommodation and tickets

BWIA should be looking at acquiring the necessary level of air transportation to carry the expected 10-20,000 spectators

The Airport Authority should be evaluating how they can airlift 10-20,000 spectators over a minimum of seven days as this would require the airport operating far beyond capacity

Ministry of Foreign Affairs need to simply the process to allow for issuance of visas for the projected 10-20,000 fans TTFA and Jack Warner should do their utmost ensure that the projected 10-20,000 spectators can get a seat at the games.

Louis R. Hernandez



"TT should take 20,000 fans to Germany"

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