Two levels, not three, Mr Imbert
THE EDITOR: The traffic diversion planned for the CR-Butler intersections is definitely two levels. Not three! And I challenge Colm Imbert, the existing Minister of Works to hold a public press conference to prove otherwise. In Newsday of Monday November 14, Imbert launched a bitter personal attack on me, an attack that is most unbecoming of a government minister who is supposed to listen to the voices of the citizens. For the records, I have consulted experts in the fields of roads and interchanges, and they all agree that Imbert’s plan for the intersection is two levels.
In his heated personal attack — to which I will not respond in kind — he failed to mention that there are two head-to-head intersections to the north and south of the CR Highway in his proposed traffic diversion and I strongly suspect we will once again see traffic lights to hold up progress. My own observation and that of experts is that anything as focal as that convergence should be open to public comment, like the rebuilding of the World Trade Centre. What is required is practicality together with a measure of the aesthetic. Put out two or three proposals for public comment, and let the public decide. Imbert’s diversion is not only “orgly”, but too wide — it may displace 15 families — and will end up costing some $300 million by then current prices, which is twice the original estimate of the Golden Arch.
"Two levels, not three, Mr Imbert"