Crime talks — a hoax
THE EDITOR: The Movement for National Development takes little comfort in the announcement by Prime Minister Patrick Manning and Opposition Leader Basdeo Panday on the outcome of their crime talks. These talks were no more than a hoax perpetrated upon the society yet again. With regard to the "proposed legislation" the Movement for National Development says as follows: One of the main areas of concern has to be the level of corruption in the police service. Police reform cannot be established unless civilians are used to investigate corrupt police officers and to manage the other human resource elements such as promotion and training. The present system of police officers investigating police officers has led to massive cover-up and intimidation time and time again because of the influence of senior officers over junior investigating officers. Legislation should be introduced to allow civilians and foreign investigators from Scotland Yard and the FBI to have full access to police files and records for detailed investigations to be carried out. Whilst the Movement for National Development supports the denial of bail in certain circumstances namely in clear situations of kidnapping for ransom and the possession of an illegal firearm, the amendment to the Bail Act to introduce the "three strikes and you’re out" American ideal will severely prejudice the poor black male in the society who will be used as political scapegoats in the face of political and police incompetence in the investigation of crime in the society. Too often persons are arrested without any tangible evidence or because of personal vendettas only to be later found to be not guilty of the offence after serving time in prison with little or no recourse to the abuse of their civil liberties. The MND supports the establishment of a separate gun court but does not see the need for a kidnapping court at this time, the latter is seen to be purely a political gimmick that has come too late after the initial puerile statements of the Hon Prime Minister a few years ago. The MND believes that illegal firearms are the vehicle through which the majority of murders are committed and strongly suggest that the possession of an illegal firearm should be a non-bailable offence punished by life imprisonment on conviction. However, before this can be introduced, the Government must ensure that there is also a separate arm of the forensic unit to deal with arms and ammunition. The MND supports the immediate passage of the necessary legislation to ensure the use of DNA in crime fighting but also calls for the separation of the forensic centre from the Ministry of National Security to the Ministry of Health to ensure further transparency. The MND endorses the amendments to the Criminal Injuries Compensation Act and the Protective Services Compensation Bill as reported. The MND calls for the immediate introduction of the necessary legislation to ensure the provision of CCTVs to all highways and towns to monitor the movement of criminals and speed of vehicles. With regard to money laundering and drug trafficking, the MND believes that there is effect legislation on the books, however this legislation is not being enforced. Instead, this Government has facilitated the big money launderers, gun runners and drug traffickers either by their incompetence or inaction. With regard to constitutional reform the MND finds its imperative to repeat that an Executive President at this time is not what is needed. The MND suggests the decentralisation of all Government institutions in an effort to bring Government closer to all the people. GARVIN NICHOLAS Port-of-Spain
"Crime talks — a hoax"