I am so proud to be a Trini

THE EDITOR: It is with a very glad heart that I congratulate the Trinidad and Tobago football team for their outstanding achievement. I knew they could do it.

I watched the game here in London with many of my English friends at my side cheering for the boys of my beautiful country.

It also made me proud in a way that I cannot express to see the people of Trinidad and Tobago coming together as one to celebrate this joyous victory and to welcome our team home.

People of every race, colour and creed came together in celebration, and because of this, words cannot express how proud I am today to be a Trini.

This is the way it should always be. Remember the words of our anthem, ‘Here every creed and race find an equal place, and may God bless our Nation.’

God has brought us all together through this outstanding victory. Let us all stay together as one Trinidad and Tobago, for together we can fight off the evil that plagues our beautiful country — united we stand, divided we fall.

Let us all remember this day, a day where we all stood as one.

God willing, we will always stay that way. Congratulations guys, I knew you could do it.




"I am so proud to be a Trini"

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