Ramesh, mind your own business

THE EDITOR: Ramesh’s call on Dookeran to join him and Panday in uniting the UNC seems to be another of his stunts. Do we have to keep reminding him that the UNC was in government when he opened the door to the PNM and caused the downfall of his now "loved" Panday.

Ramesh now wants to "remove the PNM" and "this oppressive PNM regime" that he successfully helped put in power. Nowhere have we seen any comments by Dookeran or Warner to the effect: "get rid" of Panday and "not unite" with Ramesh. While the party grassroots and the country as a whole are calling for unity, we do not understand where Ramesh gets the authority to speak on behalf of the UNC. The same party and Government he mashed up in 2001.

Maybe Ramesh should go out there and listen to the grassroots and understand that there are "two public relations persons" causing his torment. Maharaj mind your own business!




"Ramesh, mind your own business"

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