Lok Jack should be saluted

THE EDITOR: It was interesting to note the vision and hard work which translated into IOB and the late Mr Draper’s credible role in its development.

However, in response to "Without Draper IOB would be nothing" published in your Letters section on December 3, 2005, I believe that a name change is probably another visionary approach to change in the ever-evolving process of Academia Worldwide and in a knowledge-based and seamless world.

Allow me to point out to your readers that it is indeed common practice across the globe to see displays of philantrophy whereby individuals make immense contributions towards education, arts and culture. I will highlight for you now some international colleges and universities that have experienced the same name change as the Arthur Lok Jack Graduate School.

— Carnegie Mellon University

Eugene Lang College (New School University NY)

Robert J Milano Graduate School of Manage-ment

Mannes College of Music

— Duquesne University

Bayer School of National and Environmental Studies

McAnulty College and Graduate School

AJ Palumbo School of Business Administra-tion

John G Rangers Sr School of Health Sciences’

Mary Pappert School of Music

Mylan School of Pharmacy, etc

Readers will also notice that business leaders all over the world have done these Nobel gestures time and time again!

Institutes such as these only flourish if the private sector contributes towards them. The best of the best cannot survive on government funding alone. All universities and schools now enjoy millions of dollars worth of donations and endowments, which are sponsored by private individuals who have created wealth through the same hard work and visionary thinking.

Recently, The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation donated over US$33 million to their father’s Alma Mater: The University of Washington. It was the largest donation in the school’s history and they named it the William H Gates Public Service Law Scholarship Programme, in recognition of this donation. A faculty was also named in honour of William H Gates Sr.

These are just a few examples quoted here. This is an excellent example whereby other persons can follow suit. What is a simple name change worth in exchange for the provision of scholarships and funding to the neediest and deserving candidates based on a merit system? IOB is a business institute and it is commendable on Arthur Lok Jack’s part to take this initiative, which should encourage this type of visionary philanthropy. After all, how many people live in the Caribbean and other developing countries decide to donate their own money? It is easy for multi-nationals and other organisations, and even business leaders to donate funds from their respective organisations. It is indeed a rare occurrence when selfless individuals decide to part with their own money. This nation should salute Arthur Lok Jack for this strategic yet noble initiative.

I think that sometimes it’s an excellent idea to adopt the best practices of other institutions (such as those I have highlighted here) and adopt their "out-of-box" thinking in order to keep up with the ever-evolving needs of future generations. After all, the Rockefeller Foundation as well as Nobel Prize were started by these visionaries.



British Caribbean Chamber of Commerce



"Lok Jack should be saluted"

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