Did minister approve Divali ad?

THE EDITOR: The recent response by the Management of the Sugarcane Feeds Centre (SFC) on the recent Divali controversy, brings some questions to mind:

1) The matter was brought to a close by the Minister of Agriculture. Why did the management see it necessary to bring the issue back to life? And so long after? 2) According to my information from the regular visits I make to the farm, the matter was never about the flag.

The problems were about the use of a classroom and funding — again which the Minister resolved. Why was the real issue not focused on?

3) Why was taxpayers money used for this ad, when funding for the Divali programme was one of the items that was denied by the management? 4) Is the minister aware of this spending to cover the advertisements and did he approve it? These questions call for an enquiry into the spending of taxpayers’ money, because I find that it was totally unnecessary and wasteful.

The information on the ad is questionable.




"Did minister approve Divali ad?"

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