Cheque payment like ancient history

THE EDITOR: It is good to see PM Patrick Manning has taken note of the Pension cheque scam being perpetrated against many senior citizens and retirees. It is also that TTPost and the Police Service have both taken note of this thievery and injustice meted out to our elderly citizens by unscrupulous crooks who steal these pensioners cheques from their mailboxes.

But my question is, what is the government doing to help alleviate this scourge (other than the police and the post office personnel knowing that is happening)? Since having these cheques mailed to recipients on a monthly basis is helping to cause this larceny, then I think that the government should come up with an alternate method of payment to these retirees, to reduce the incidents of these robberies.

I am again suggesting that the government go to a payment system of direct deposit for all recurring payments, whether they be retiring cheques or salaries to government employees. The days of payment by cheques and having people lining up for hours to get them cashed, should be like ancient history.

This is another way to reduce the need for people to need the use of bathrooms in banks, as they would not have to wait in these extraordinarily long lines for hours: thus having to relieve themselves.

With the advent of ABM, debit cards and PINs, no one should have to endure having to stand in a bank line to cash a cheque and run the risk of being robbed with all that cash on you. With training and advertising, the Government could encourage the people of TT to use this form of "money" for doing their banking and purchasing business.




"Cheque payment like ancient history"

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