Winston Dookeran’s seminar refreshing

The Editor: It was truly an honour to be invited by Winston Dookeran to attend his seminar on “Ethics, Unity and Politics” held a few days ago at the Centre of Excellence. For the first time since my involvement in UNC politics (1994) the speakers addressed only ideas and dedicated no time to attacks on people or political organisations. Actually this was the first time in Trinidad and Tobago, that I witnessed a true ideological debate. My political experience in Venezuela as a national Christian Democratic youth leader in the late 60’s was one of intense ideological formation and debate.

It was formed under the wings of the Port-of-Spain born, Aristides Calvani, who was at that time South America’s leading ideologue and father of the “Social Justice” concept. Calvani, I am proud to say was my political mentor and that whenever we spoke he always reminded me of the fact that we shared a common birthplace. Over the years since 1994, I have consistently asked myself what are the programmatic differences between the UNC and the PNM? What ideological alternatives do they represent? Other than the fact that they both are pragmatic electoral machinery, designed only to win elections. From the position I once held in the UNC’s national executive, to no avail I attempted to stimulate the discussion of ideas, not just “politics as usual” and the fight for power.

There has been no debate of ideas in our local politics until the arrival of the UNC’s new Political Leader, Winston Dookeran and his proposal of “New Politics.” For the first time we are hearing of fresh concepts and ideas that will sustain a new system of governance. Dookeran’s discourse on “Ethics, Unity and Politics” delivered in his usual low-key manner was full of proposals for thought, foundation ideas for further development, a chart of principles for the way forward to better governance, true representation of the interest of the people and social justice for all.                   

Rene Bermudez
San Fernando


"Winston Dookeran’s seminar refreshing"

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