Mr Manning, the Jester

THE EDITOR: We really live in a mickey mouse country as we see from the Prime Minister at the convention on Sunday last. He amused his PNM supporters, and had them in stitches with his witty remarks on the UNC Opposition. It is a pity he did not think before he continued with antics amusing his fanatical supporters because he was making fun of the UNC, but the country he governs is way out of control. Instead of making fun of the Opposition, and wasting time on Sunday he should have spoken of the shameful conduct of his own ministers, and the crimes that are crippling this country.

We in this country are saddened with the everyday murders, kidnappings, high food prices and all that is destructive to this country, but the Prime Minister plays the role of a comedian. The Prime Minister continued with his rhetoric rather than telling the nation what his Government is planning to do about all the ills in this country and solving them, but his supporters enjoyed the bacchanal as was expected, and that is why this country is sliding faster and faster to the bottom of the pit.



"Mr Manning, the Jester"

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