Jack taking us for jacks
The Editor: I am a bit perplexed at the antics of the deputy political leader of the UNC, Mr Jack Warner. During the internal elections of the party, Mr Warner launched a vitriolic attack against Mr Panday and his team of Patriots. Suddenly after the elections Warner has made a sudden about turn and started to praise Mr Panday as the greatest thing since slice bread. He even went so far as to apologise to Panday saying that he made a terrible mistake. After threatening legal action against Ganace Ramdial for the manner in which he conducted the elections, Jack Warner is an independent one man commission of inquiry into Ramdial’s election committee, and guess what? Suddenly Ramdial is right, Warner is wrong, and yes Jack apologises! In all seriousness, could Jack Warner’s political judgment be trusted? Has he displayed any qualities of political leadership? Come on Mr Warner, do not take us for a set of jacks! Probably you should now apologise to everyone and just get out of politics.
Karen Ransome
"Jack taking us for jacks"