Bruising exposé on health care
THE EDITOR: Citizens of Trinidad and Tobago are begging out for a better health and education system. These systems militate against our survival; our existence. Newsday’s special report by Suzanne Sheppard: TT’s ailing health sector, February 12, 2006 is a bruising expos? of a most corrupt health care system. It can ably compete with hell’s description — sinful. This article confirms all of our beliefs of a “thiefing” country from captain to cook, and cockroaches in between.
We abound with talk shows on the air waves. What for? For the show, to be on air! While in pain we whimper, we sigh, we moan. In this our comatose state we mock ourselves into a false well-being — we flush away our decadence in wine, women and song. We sing and talk race and forget how short our mortal coils are. We live in a sty and protest in style, more to be seen than to affect; and, according to which race struts the corridor of power.
Linking up with this cadaverous health care system is the education system where teachers are not satisfied with better salary negotiated and tax breaks and where circulars from the Ministry of Education are ignored. These teachers, a lot, are shamelessly stealing: tax-free and rent-free schools with all requisite material to ply their illegal trade on our holy ground: our schools, our children, our future. Are we not facing the fight back — a violent youth culture spawned from adult inaction within a cesspool of our lethargy. Are we in transit here, going home to America and Canada. The battle is unevenly matched; and, all remaining patriots must fight to the end.
"Bruising exposé on health care"