CAREC’s condom crusade grossly irresponsible

Free-for-all condoms mean free-for-all sex. It’s a loud, official endorsement of promiscuity and licentiousness. Carec has simply chosen the path of least resistance. It’s not the honest path, only the “easiest” path. This is highly irresponsible behaviour.

Two weeks ago this column sounded a warning to beware “salespersons of the safe sex product who will be busy this Carnival season trading their dubious philosophy, preying upon those who are gullible enough to patronise.” Last Monday’s announcement by the Caribbean Epidemiology Centre (Carec) that it will be distributing 60,000 condoms as part of a “safe sex” drive, is one item that has validated my warning.

According to Carec’s Communications Director, Jones P Madeira, the exercise is to assist in the control of the spread of the HIV virus which causes AIDS. “We at Carec have always advocated abstinence as the best form of protection from HIV/AIDS. However, we intrinsically understand that the majority of people are sexually active. because of this we are distributing 60,000 condoms to major stakeholders of  Carnival,” Madeira stated.

Sorry if I may come over a bit harsh, but Carec’s position is ridiculous to say the least. How can your preferred position be abstinence when you forever play it down to the status of a mere contemptuous token mention, while you go to the extreme of actually giving out a massive 60,000 free condoms. What you do speaks so loudly that we cannot hear what you say.

Carec’s behaviour is obviously meant to be a forceful statement on its part to distinctly emphasise where its priority and dominant philosophy is — condoms, not abstinence. Why the free condoms? Wasn’t the “safe sex” education and cautioning enough? Is it that the 50,000 foreign visitors and local revellers are so poor that they can’t buy condoms? Certainly not. But Carec appears to be determined to accentuate its condom philosophy with such intensity that there would be no doubt in the minds of the people as to which direction it is really advocating.

The abstinence message and the distribution of 60,000 condoms are complete and diametric opposites. It’s totally impossible for one person or entity to believe both ways. Any claim to embracing both would be a reflection of gross double standards and hypocrisy. Free-for-all condoms mean free-for-all sex. It’s a loud, unambiguous official endorsement of promiscuity, licentiousness and sexual abominations. In fact, it’s an extremely effective way of promoting promiscuity by formal endorsement.

From this viewpoint 60,000 free condoms can very well mean a greater spread of the HIV virus, since, with Carec’s encouragement, more people would now be focused upon making sex a central part of their Carnival activity. Carec has now formally and officially declared that sex/promiscuity is what Carnival is all about. This will definitely result in an increase in sexual activity, especially among the “more adventurous” youth population.

If Carec is so concerned — as it claims — about the AIDS epidemic being such a deadly threat to our beloved nation, especially at Carnival time, how come they never, even in the vaguest terms, suggest Carnival with all its hazards isn’t worth it? How come the caring, concerned, intelligent body never thought about educating the population on the real dangers and liabilities of Carnival, advising that people are by far safer not being involved at all in the debauchery and bacchanal? What has become of Carec’s “honest and objective” approach where this is concerned?

How come Carec has not educated the population on the failure rate of condom use in prevention of AIDS and pregnancy? Why hasn’t this “vigilant” unit ever produced the heartbreaking evidence of the trail of pain  and heartaches left behind after Carnival and build a case to encourage everyone to abandon Carnival. (At least they would make Father Taylor and Pastor Cuffie happy!) I also continue to wonder why our women’s rights groups are silent at Carnival time when the dignity of womanhood is most flagrantly dragged in the mud on every side.

What does distribution of condoms to male tourists at Carnival time say about women? Isn’t this clearly stating that the Trinidad woman is some kind of loose sex-hungry slut? Is it not giving official sanction to the visitors to view our women cheap sex objects and exploit them accordingly? This is the reality of the consequences of Carec’s bright free-for-all condom crusade idea. Instead of being true to the people, (with their welfare genuinely at heart) Carec has simply chosen to take the path of least resistance. It’s not the honest path, only the “easiest” path. This is what irresponsible leadership is all about.

This is precisely what happens when the Church is left out of making major decisions. I know today is already “Carnival Sunday” but I want to encourage as many people as possible — particularly the younger population — to reject the Carec way and keep yourself truly safe — stay away from the dangers and degradation of Carnival and let abstinence be your wholehearted guiding philosophy in Christ.


"CAREC’s condom crusade grossly irresponsible"

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