Abortion: We’ll fight with our prayers and votes

What they “ASPIRE” to do in the sinister game is use their pressure strategies and propaganda machinery to give their like-minded political sympathisers in the House “a reason” to change the laws to give licence to kill the innocent. But Pentecostals will ensure the failure of this plot.”

Empirical data reveal that since the Roe versus Wade showdown, which led to abortion being legalised in the US on January 22, 1973, over 42 million babies have been murdered by this evil that slaughters the innocent. This means that the 1.3 million population of TT would have been wiped out 32 times!

Hitler killed only a relatively small fraction of this number and he is portrayed by all of civilised society as the devil personified. Abortion is most definitely demonic and barbaric.
The Bible is absolutely clear on God’s position on abortion. The Scriptures tell us that its plain, straightforward murder and God “hates” it (Pro 6:17; Exod 20:13). This is why Pentecostals and Evangelicals here in TT and around the world have been constantly sounding our trumpets so loudly against this diabolical act. We know how to fight with our prayers but we know how to fight with our politics too. We know how to fight with our election votes! No Government which supports or passes legislation in support of murder by abortion will remain in power and run this country. This extreme, we are sure, will never be sanctioned by our Lord — and certainly, the vote of Pentecostals/Evangelicals.

I followed closely the last Presidential Elections in the US and had the opportunity to play a part in influencing a particular direction in the political choice of Pentecostals/Evangelicals. The then incumbent, Bill Clinton, used to be a virtual darling of Pentecostal/Evangelical Americans. This played a major part in the political advantage he held. But one of his sins in particular remained unpardonable with Pentecostals/Evangelicals — Clinton’s and the Democrats’ resolute advocacy of partial birth abortion. Through leading Pentecostal/Evangelical organisations in the US (with which I am associated) namely: Dr James Dobson’s Focus on the Family, Dr James Kennedy’s lobbying forum, Dr Pat Robertson’s 700 Club and Christian Broadcasting Network CBN, Pastor Rod Parsley’s Anti-abortion Petition campaign and the influence of the Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN) programming, Christians were educated and motivated to pray against the partial birth abortion evil and vote accordingly. Republican’s George W Bush wisely and righteously declared his party’s firm anti-abortion stance, as he adopted the biblical viewpoint and announced his clear intention to ban partial birth abortion if he won the Presidency. He hardly had to say anything further to win the hearts and votes of a wide cross-section of the Pente-costal/Evangelical community. Bush won and as promised, the matter of the abortion was given priority attention.

As if to send a message to the pro-abortion “Democrats” down here in TT, the US Senate last week Thursday (March 13) voted overwhelmingly in support of Bush’s motion to ban partial birth abortion. The vote was 65-32. The vote was sent the legislation to the House which is also controlled by Bush and his Republicans. “Automatic” passage at this level is expected in the coming spring.  It is also expected that Bush will now move to launching a large-scale assault on “abortion rights”. Imagine the rationale of the TT abortion advocates: An increasing number of people are committing murder (of babies) so this is a signal to legalise the killings.  That is as cheaply and casually as the pro-abortion groups view life and murder. What kind of message is this gross disrespect for life sending to the criminals in a nation that had a record number of murders last year? Obviously, in a society such as ours if the murder of babies is legalised, then the loss of respect for life will be greater and the already horrifying murder rate will most likely further escalate.

To claim that a developing baby in a mother’s womb is only “a mass of cells” with no value or rights to life is not only the worst type of insult to the sanctity of life, but it very closely resembles the thinking of Adolf Hitler who cold-bloodedly murdered sick and elderly people because he regarded them as liabilities. The argument that legalising abortion is necessary because many women are now doing it illegally is just plain stupidity.  If we must be guided by this kind of reasoning then the legalising or decriminalising of every other kind of illegal/unlawful killing, drugs, theft, rape, traffic offences and all, would also be justified.

The pro-abortion crowd does not at all “ASPIRE” to seek a means of reducing the rate of abortions in TT by educating the masses on the sanctity of life, health dangers involved in abortion procedures, including long-term or permanent physical and psychological damage, infertility and death. Their prime motive seems to be the thirst for blood — rush to get laws as quickly as possible that give the licence to kill. What they “ASPIRE” to in the whole sinister game is to use their so-called precious strategies and propaganda machinery to give their like-minded political sympathisers in the House “a reason” to act on reforming the laws so as to give licence to kill the innocent. But, as the saying goes, this and a green donkey they will never see! The prayers and votes of Pentecostals will ensure the failure of their plot.


"Abortion: We’ll fight with our prayers and votes"

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