Going back to my source
A good friend of mine told me that I complain too much about things and I should be more thankful. It is quite obvious that he did not read my past column "Being Thankful" which I took my precious time to photocopy and drop off at his office. Nevertheless, I am quite open to criticism and as a result, I have decided to focus today on being thankful for what my experiences have taught me (if I were to write about all the things I need to be thankful for that would fill the whole of Newsday).
Throughout my life I have had many experiences, good ones and bad ones, with the latter being more dominant. Strangely, however, I have learnt more from the bad experiences than the good ones . . . the lessons turned out to be much more valuable.
I believe that we learn more from our bad experiences because they are the ones that we tend to remember throughout life. We remember them because we try to live and make decisions in such a way that they will never occur again.
Although I am young, my experiences are unimaginable and I do not want anyone looking down at me because of them. I thank God for each and every experience that I have had. Having grown and accepted them in good faith, is proof enough why they do not warrant criticism from anyone. Some people who are much older probably never experienced half of what I have been through, and I should not be under-estimated because of my age. My experiences can now be compiled and can be used as a handbook for life.
It is said that experience is the greatest teacher, and no one should doubt that. I have been taught that while I should always look for the best in people, I must be careful of people because there are the "fake" ones. There are people who will smile with you, laugh with you, party with you, leading you to believe they really like you. But as you turn around and head out the door, they say horrible things about you.
I have been taught not to be naive and to be able to differentiate fantasy from reality and to be very careful of whom I trust.
My experiences taught me to be most careful of men . . . most of them are quite excellent liars and they have no shame.
Through my experiences I have learnt to thank God at every moment for all that he has done for me, and for being with me each and every step of the way, and for even carrying me in some instances.
I have also learnt, according to my mother, "to take God in my thoughts" every time I am about to do something. Not only does this make the job easier but it draws you closer to Him, thus making the task a worthwhile one.
My experiences taught me not to place too much value on material things, and to live simply. You are happier when you live simply. You cherish the things that others seem to ignore but yet are quite necessary to survive. Because of my simple lifestyle, I have learnt to appreciate the people in my life who make a positive difference, and I have learnt to appreciate each day and all that it brings.
While money is quite necessary to survive, I have learnt that money is not everything, but I have also learnt that I cannot live on love alone.
Another very valuable lesson that my experiences taught me is to work hard and smart for my daily bread and to enjoy doing so. How many of us enjoy what we do? It is very important to enjoy it because that way it won’t feel like a job but more like a hobby. Going to work only because you have to, makes no sense. It only makes it more difficult for you and seriously affects your day in a negative way. I say you’re stuck with it so enjoy it!
The most important lesson that my experience has taught me and one that I will always strive to remember is to go back to my source particularly in times of need and always look at the positive. God is without a doubt, my source. The world is the way it is today, because people are straying from their source. The murders, rapes, kidnappings and gang wars are all occurring because almost everyone has forgotten to go back to their source. They never have time! Parents never have time to teach their children about God and to instil sound morals and values in them. They have time for everything but God.
It is very important that we all make the time and find that quiet place where we can "go back to our source" each day. It is what is needed in every part of the world.
Finally, my experiences taught me to never, never doubt the power of prayer.
So, when you look at me and my youth, never underestimate me and what I have been through. My knowledge of life is probably more than you’ll ever know and it’s all because of my experiences . . . the good and the bad. Be thankful for your experiences.
"Going back to my source"